Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Excellent Opportunity

I have been, as they say, "tagged" by a fellow blogger, a Miss Need2Read of need2read blogging (you humans have the oddest names). Deeming this an excellent opportunity to provide the world with deeper insights into the workings of my most inestimable brain, I decided to rise to the challenge. (Anne Elisabeth, who was also tagged, is, of course, being wretched and saying she doesn't have time to do this challenge herself. Do you see what she's like, people?)

In any case, the challenge details are as follows:

1. You must post the rules.
2. You must post 11 fun facts about yourself in the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and set up 11 more questions for those you've tagged.
4. Tag 11 new bloggers (be sure to hyperlink their names).
5. Let the tagged people know you've tagged them.
6. Have fun!

My eleven Fun Facts:

1. I am quite probably the only successful Ruling Despot in your circle of acquaintances.

2. I started my rise to power from a ditch, whence I had been flung as an unwanted "pet," and was rescued by a boy on a bicycle.

3. My favorite toy is my blue rat.

4. I am a very excellent singer. I run my scales every morning to keep my voice limber (until Anne Elisabeth throws her slippers at me).

5. I enjoy walking my human on a leash. She can be a little difficult sometimes, but it's good for her.

6. My nicknames include The Evil One, Bitty Kitty, Fluffy Cat, Minnie, Minnie-bitty, and Minerva Louise-y. I prefer to call myself Supreme Dictator, but what can you do with humans?

7. I have a thing against my water bowl. I believe it is plotting against me and I attack it on a regular basis to keep it in line. One day though, it will rise up, and then the world will see what I see . . .

8. My favorite game is Minerva-Pong. This is a highly developed and intricate variation on the human classic, Ping-Pong, and it involves me chasing the little pingy balls back and forth across the ping-pong table, usually to Rohan's advantage.

9. I never thought the love of my life would be a human . . . until I met Rohan. He is my angel-muffin.

10. My family tree is full of jungle cats and jaguars. Ready to pounce on  your head.

11. One day I will rule the world.

The Questions I Must Answer:

1.Who is you favourite character from a movie (and from which movie)?

I find myself full of strange empathy for the Evil Queen in Snow White. I mean, when you are the fairest one of all, is it not frustrating to have mirrors saying otherwise?

Bad, bad mirror. No.
2. What is your favourite holiday and why?
I really like my birthday. That's December 12th (I picked it. I was abandoned in a ditch, which means I get to pick my birthday.) I look forward to the day when I have subjugated the nations, and December 12th is nationally known as Minerva Louise Day. Then everyone can enjoy it as I do!

3. Who is you favourite music artist/group/composer?
I really love opera. I particularly like this piece by Mozart. I think I was the Queen of the Night in another life (the confused-looking girl was probably Molly).

4. If you were an animal, which one would you be (mythical animals included)?
I suppose I wouldn't mind trying to be a human. For a day. Otherwise, probably a bigger jaguar.

5. What is you favourite vacation spot?
I don't think I'd mind a little jaunt to the Underworld. Might be cool.

Or hot, as the case may be.

6. If you could be a character from a book or movie, who would you be?
I'd probably try being Galadriel from Lord of the Rings. All exploded and powerful, you know. I think I would have handled the whole Ruling the World with Evil Power thing differently, though.

7. If you had a theme song which one would it be?
This one!

8. Where do you go to get inspiration (for writing, drawing, etc.) and what music do you listen to (if any)?
Rohan is my true source of deepest inspiration. Rohan and my love for him. Not to mention my own extreme beauty and jaguar-like cunning. I also like opera (see above) and knocking-things-off-of-things. Very inspiring.

9. What book has taught you the best lesson?
I am a cat. Why would I need to learn a lesson? (Seriously?)

10.What is your most vivid childhood memory?
When I was a Bitty Kitty, I would ride along inside Anne Elisabeth's art teaching bag to her classes at the Apex Learning Center. There I would help her teach her classroom full of students how to draw. I was, of course, very talented at this.

I think an orange pencil . . .

The students, of course, loved me, and found my advice helpful.

Yes, an orange pencil was just right!

11. What is you favourite series of movies?
I enjoy the ongoing saga that is The Backyard. There you will see compelling dramas such as "Birdies Flying Overhead," and "Birdies Digging for Worms," and "Squirrels Racing Past the Window," and "Leaves Blowing." Sometimes, there's even an entire episode devoted to "Spiders Building Webs." It's all very exciting, and I find myself riveted more often than not. I recommend the show to anyone!

Well, there you have it. Being a Ruling Despot and not subject to the whims of mere plebeians, I am going to ignore the rest of the rules set forth and end my role in this Tagger's Game here. Any of you who feel like snitching this, however, and continuing the cycle, do feel free! And let me know if you've done so, for I shall have no interest whatsoever in reading your answers (but Anne Elisabeth might).


Monday, April 2, 2012

Doctor Mew

When I am getting especially stressed (such as when my very own despotism is overrun with foster kittens. Blah!) there is nothing I like better than curling up and watching some of my favorite shows. You know what I'm talking about, furry readers! After an exhausting day of napping, grooming, plotting, preening, domineering, and knocking-things-off-of-things, we all of us need our down time, right?

Let me now write reviews of some of my favorite shows. First off is:

The Backyard

You can see from the look of confused horror
on Molly's face, that this episode is
particularly good!

This is an awesome show that I and the feline (peons) of Rooglewood enjoy every day. It's one of those unscripted Reality Shows. The best episode comes on at 6 o'clock every evening. That's when the Robin Swarm descends to hunt worms, and we all lose ourselves in the fantasy of bird-hunting! It's pretty epic.

Even without birds, this show can be fairly awesome. For instance, one evening the sky started falling.


Anne Elisabeth, being a know-it-all, said that it wasn't actually the sky that was falling so much as the snow falling from the sky. (That's how she explains things: All patient-like. With italics. Like she knows what she's talking about or something. I ignore her mostly.)

Anyway, that show can be very exciting, and it is my favorite. But there are other good ones too. For instance, if the birds aren't showing up on Backyard, I can always be sure of an interesting time watching my second favorite TV show . . .


I can't tear my gaze away!

Seriously, this is an awesome show! You can watch it for yourself here and get caught up in the ongoing saga!

For those of you who don't have the time and need a quick recap: It's about this bird feeder, and there are these birds, and these birds come to this bird feeder, and they, like, eat the bird seeds, and they chirp, and they hop around, and then they fly away! and fly back again. It's amazing. Seriously. You've got to see it for yourself!

The sequel, Squirrels, is good too. Not quite as good, but decent TV, you know? You can't expect every script to be as compelling as Birdies.

Okay, on to another favorite of mine, which is:

Doctor Who

Doctor Mew?

It's a pretty good program. You know, for human TV. Again, you can't expect to find the depth of scripting like you have in Birdies just everywhere, especially not in a TV show based on humans. But there are some pretty good characters:

Hello, Rose Tyler. Could you wriggle around on the
screen a bit more, please?

And there are lots of Things Moving Around, like monsters and space ships and stuff.

When it gets a few inches closer, I will catch it in my paw . . .

I think those are all my very favorites. I do enjoy watching a little tennis with Rohan now and then too. Now THAT'S a fun game to watch! There's this little ball that goes back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth . . .

And all the little humans go running back and forth
and back and forth and back and forth . . .

It's just so cool!

So what are some of your favorite shows?